In a remarkable development within Zimbabwe’s political landscape, the Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC), a prominent opposition faction, has robustly refuted the authenticity of a controversial letter disseminated on social media. The letter, falsely ascribed to Songezo Tshabangu, a former MDC-T and PDP political activist, claimed to recall CCC’s parliamentarians and councillors. However, the CCC has categorically denied these assertions, underscoring that Tshabangu is not affiliated with their organization.

The CCC has vehemently condemned this incident as a desperate political maneuver orchestrated by Tshabangu and his infamous colleagues from Forever Associates Zimbabwe (FAZ), allegedly connected to the Central Intelligence Organization (CIO). This incident is perceived by the CCC as a calculated attempt to destabilize and infiltrate their party, thereby undermining its stability and coherence.

This scandal surfaces in the wake of the CCC’s decision to abstain from President Emmerson Mnangagwa’s state-of-the-nation address in parliament, a move that reportedly agitated the ruling administration.

Gift Ostallos Siziba, the official spokesperson for CCC, highlighted the deceptive nature of the circulated letters, supposedly authored by an individual claiming to be the interim Secretary-General of the CCC. He advised the public to disregard these letters, emphasizing that the CCC has not and does not intend to recall any of its recently elected representatives. He further discredited Tshabangu’s association with the CCC, pointing out his previous affiliations with MDC-T and PDP and his involvement in dubious activities, such as fielding counterfeit CCC candidates in previous elections.

The CCC perceives this act as a desperate reaction by the ruling Zanu PF party to their defeat in the 2023 elections and the nation’s repudiation. Siziba urged their representatives in local authorities and parliament to persist in fulfilling their electoral duties, despite these attempts at political subversion.

The party’s unwavering rejection of the fraudulent letter and staunch support for its officials is a testament to its commitment to maintaining integrity and thwarting attempts to sabotage its operations. Despite the accusations, Songezo Tshabangu has not publicly responded, leaving the allegations by the CCC unchallenged.

In a proactive move, the CCC has called upon Zimbabweans to remain vigilant and discerning in the face of such misinformation campaigns. These campaigns are viewed as deliberate attempts to disrupt the party’s activities and question its credibility.

As the political scene in Zimbabwe continues to evolve, the CCC emerges as a formidable and outspoken opposition force, challenging the status quo and advocating for a change in leadership. The party’s firm repudiation of the false letter circulating on social media underscores its dedication to its elected officials and its readiness to confront any efforts aimed at destabilizing its operations. The unfolding events in Zimbabwe’s political arena demonstrate the CCC’s steadfastness as a resolute opposition, actively championing change and representing the interests of the Zimbabwean populace.

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